Get Involved

There are 3 ways you can be a part of Gracia.


Never underestimate the power of prayer. We cannot do anything without God’s help. He is the one that provides for us, sustains and works through us. We always need prayer! It is the most important thing you can do for Gracia. Pray for:

  • The children we serve and that they and their families will know the love God has for them

  • God to lead people to us to serve

  • Our team and that God will sustain us

  • Our financial resources


Gracia has many financial needs that need to be covered. With your donation, you help the ministry continue to serve as it needs to.

Watch the video below on how to donate to Gracia!


Gracia cannot be ran without people leading the way. We need you! Whether you’d like to volunteer long-term, short-term or every now and then - we can use you. If you enjoy working with kids or adults we have a place for you to serve. Tap the button to tells us you want to serve at Gracia.